Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorney - Hauppauge, NY

Dog Bite Accidents

Dog Bite Accidents - Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorneys

What Should You Do If You are A victim of a Dog Bite?

Langella & Langella has a combined 40 years of experience representing victims of dog bites, on Long Island and all five boroughs of New York. If a dog bites you, the first thing you should do is seek medical attention. Even if your injuries seem minor, it is important to have them evaluated by a doctor. Some dog bites can become infected, and some victims may develop rabies. An experienced attorney can help you investigate the accident, gather evidence, and file a claim for damages.

Damages From A Dog Bite Claim

MThe amount of damages you can recover in a dog bite claim will depend on the severity of your injuries and the circumstances of the accident. Generally, you may be able to recover economic and non-economic damages, such as:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Lost Wages
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Emotional Distress
  • Punitive Damages (in some cases)
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Trustworthy ATTORNEYS for Dog Bite Accidents

Dog bites can cause serious physical and emotional injuries and often result in expensive medical bills. If a dog has attacked you, you may be able to file a personal injury claim to recover damages. The personal injury attorneys at Langella & Langella have extensive experience handling dog bite cases on Long Island.

We understand the physical and emotional toll these accidents can take on victims and their families. We will fight to get you the full and fair compensation you deserve for your injuries.

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Michael & Lindsay - Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorneys

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What Are the Long-Term Effects of Dog Bites?

Puncture Wounds

Puncture wounds are one of the most common types of injuries suffered in dog bite accidents. Puncture wounds can often be deep and require surgery to repair.


Lacerations are another common type of injury caused by a dog bite. These cuts can be deep and require stitches or surgery to heal properly.


Dog bites can often become infected, especially if they are not treated promptly. Infections can lead to serious medical complications, including sepsis.

Nerve Damage

One of the most serious types of injuries that a dog bite can cause is nerve damage. This damage can cause pain, numbness, and paralysis.

Bone Fractures

These injuries are rare but can occur if a large dog knocks the victim down or if the dog bites with enough force to break the bone.

Emotional Trauma

Dog bite victims often suffer from emotional trauma, such as anxiety, fear, and depression. This trauma can be just as debilitating as physical injuries.

What Are the Laws Regarding Dog Bites?

Dog bites are a serious matter. They can lead to infection, nerve damage, and even death. That's why it's important to know who is liable if you're involved in a dog bite accident. The laws surrounding dog bites vary from state to state. New York follows a combination of "one- bite" and "strict liability" rules. Under the "one-bite" rule, an owner is only liable for a dog bite if he or she knew or should have known the dog was dangerous.

The "strict liability" rule applies when a victim can prove that the owner knew or should have known that the dog had the propensity to bite. However, there are some exceptions to these rules. For example, if a victim was trespassing on the owner's property when he or she was bitten, the owner may not be held liable for the injuries.

The experienced personal injury attorneys at Langella & Langella can help you navigate the laws surrounding dog bites and determine who is liable for your injuries.

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How Langella & Langella Can Help You

Michael Langella & Lindsay Langella, are experienced attorneys who have a proven track record of success in victims of dog bite accidents. We will secure the best possible financial outcome for your injuries. We understand the nuances of such cases, allowing us to create a defense strategy that can potentially get the most favorable outcome in your case. Therefore, in these accidents, here’s how our firm can help.

We'll reach out to your loved ones about the losses and property damage involved.

We'll reach out to your loved ones about the losses and property damage involved.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

We'll reach out to your loved ones about the losses and property damage involved.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

Contact Langella & Langella's Legal Team Today

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